Friday, January 9, 2009

Cristiano Ronaldo zerlegt seinen Ferrari

Glück im Unglück für Cristiano Ronaldo: Europas Fußballer des Jahres durchbrach mit seinem Ferrari in der Nähe des Flughafens von Manchester eine Absperrung und zerstörte sein Fahrzeug. Der portugiesische Angreifer von ManU blieb zwar unverletzt, die Polizei hat dennoch Ermittlungen aufgenommen.

Cristiano Ronaldo ist am Donnerstagmorgen bei einem Autounfall in Manchester mit dem Schrecken davongekommen. Der 23-jährige portugiesische Star in Diensten von Manchester United prallte in der Nähe des Flughafens mit seinem Ferrari gegen eine Absperrung. Europas Fußballer des Jahres blieb dabei unverletzt, wie der britische Sender BBC berichtete. Ein Atemalkoholtest am Unfallort zeigte laut Polizei keine Auffälligkeiten.Sein Klub bestätigte, dass sich Ronaldo in guter Verfassung befinde und am Training teilnehme. In den Unfall war kein anderes Fahrzeug verwickelt. Die Polizei hat die Ermittlungen aufgenommen.Der portugiesische Nationalspieler fuhr um 10.20 Uhr auf der A538 Altrincham Road in einen zweispurigen Tunnel, bei dem aber eine Hälfte der Fahrspur gesperrt war. Zwischen Wilmslow und Hale kam es dann zu dem Unglück. Ein Reifen des Ferraris wurde rund 200 Meter hinter der Unfallstelle gefunden.

Eine Augenzeugin berichtete, dass die Front des Wagens von Cristiano Ronaldo völlig demoliert war und überall Splitter und Scherben herumlagen. "Ronaldo stand neben seinen Fahrzeug und blickte verloren und völlig perplex drein", so die Beobachterin weiter. "Meine Tochter sagte zu mir, oh Gott, dass ist doch Cristiano Ronaldo. Es war unglaublich, dass er nicht verletzt war, denn das Auto sah schlimm aus."
Eine Sprecherin von manchester United bestätigte: „Cristiano geht es gut. Er hat keine medizinische Behandlung benötigt und am Morgen mit dem Team trainiert."

Glück hatte wohl auch Ronaldos Teamkollege Edwin van der Sar. Der niederländische Torhüter fuhr in seinem Bentley hinter dem 23-Jährigen, konnte dem Ferrari aber gerade noch ausweichen.

Florida Raises Another Trophy

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — After all the penalties, interceptions and missed opportunities in the aesthetically unappealing Bowl Championship Series title game between Oklahoma and Florida on Thursday night, things started to look familiar.

There was Florida quarterback Tim Tebow taking a shotgun snap, lowering his shoulder and simply plowing his way into college football lore. There was Tebow leaping in the air with just over three minutes remaining and delivering a trademark jump pass to David Nelson that clinched the game.
And there was Tebow taunting Oklahoma’s Nic Harris with a Gator chomp, the most recognizable player in college football adding more indelible moments to his career.
Tebow led the Gators to a 24-14 victory against the Sooners on Thursday night, and his familiar image resulted in a familiar spectacle: Florida fans, celebrating their third national title and second in the past three seasons, unleashed the haunting sing-song that has become so familiar to college sports fans: “Its great, to be, a Florida Gator.” The chants rang through the pro-Gator crowd at Dolphin Stadium as if it were a Saturday afternoon at The Swamp.
“I’m just so proud of my teammates because they kept fighting for four quarters and that’s how we were able to pull it out,” Tebow said.
The title is the Gators’ second under Coach Urban Meyer, who became the first coach in the Bowl Championship Series era to win two titles. Florida received 48 first-place votes out of 65 in the Associated Press poll released early Friday morning; undefeated Utah finished second (16 first-place votes), followed by U.S.C. (one first-place vote), Texas and Oklahoma.
There will be an off-season filled with talk of a burgeoning dynasty in Gainesville.
“This is one of the best teams in college football history,” Meyer said. “I love these guys.”
He added, “It never gets old, I promise you that.”
While Meyer affirmed his spot atop the collegiate coaching profession, Oklahoma Coach Bob Stoops’s inability to win B.C.S. games is becoming notable.
The Sooners have lost the last five B.C.S. games they have played in, and have dropped the last three B.C.S. title games they have appeared in. This latest defeat will almost certainly retire the nickname Big Game Bob, which was attached to Stoops for the better part of a decade.
Among the gaffes that will hound the Sooners in the off-season were two second-quarter trips inside the Gators’ 10-yard line that resulted in no points.
The Sooners’ explosive offense, which had scored more than 60 points in five consecutive games, looked dismal outside of two two-minute spurts, one in the first half and one in the second.
Sam Bradford, the Heisman Trophy winner, threw two interceptions, the most critical coming in the fourth quarter when Ahmad Black ripped the ball out of the hands of Oklahoma’s Juaquin Iglesias, essentially sealing the game.
“The turnovers were the difference,” Meyer said.
Tebow’s numbers were not imposing either; his two interceptions equaled the amount he had thrown all season. But he took over on Florida’s two second-half touchdown drives, much as he did during the Southeastern Conference title game against Alabama.
Tebow finished 18 of 30 passing for two touchdowns with two interceptions, but he began tilting the game in Florida’s favor with the run. He told Dan Mullen, the Florida offensive coordinator, at halftime that he wanted more carries, and he delivered when he called his own number time and time again on a touchdown drive in the third quarter.
“Tim’s game is when the chips are down and he’s going to out-tough people,” Mullen said. “He kind of did that. That’s Tim Tebow.”
Tebow ran the ball seven times for 52 yards on that third-quarter drive, bringing Florida to the doorstep before lining up at H-back and setting up a Percy Harvin touchdown rush on a direct snap.
Harvin, who had been questionable with a high-ankle sprain entering the game, also set up what proved to be the clinching field goal with a 52-yard run from the backfield in the fourth quarter.
But this game may be remembered as much for what it wasn’t as for what it was. Neither Tebow nor Bradford was impressive wire to wire. The game had been billed as an exhibition of offense, but the first half became a quagmire of turnovers, penalties and red-zone ineptitude by Oklahoma.
Much of the credit for slowing Oklahoma goes to Charlie Strong, the Florida defensive coordinator. Long a bridesmaid for head-coaching jobs, Strong faced the ultimate test: stop the highest-scoring offense in modern college football. The Gators succeeded with gusto, holding the Sooners to 14 points, a testament to Strong’s game planning.
“Charlie does an unbelievable job,” Mullen said. “I don’t know if there’s a better defensive coordinator in the country. If there is, I’d like to find him and have him come out here and hold the Heisman Trophy winner and Oklahoma to 14 points.”
The key moments for Strong’s defense came in the first half, in which the Sooners outplayed the Gators and had little to show for it. Oklahoma went into halftime tied at 7-7 after having the ball inside the 10-yard line twice in the second quarter and failing to score any points thanks to a pair of baffling sequences.
The first gaffe came when tailback Chris Brown failed to punch in the ball on fourth-and-1, as he got corralled behind the line of scrimmage by Florida’s Torrey Davis.
It was a questionable play call — an off-tackle run — on a sequence of calls that appeared shaky. Oklahoma had first-and-goal from the 9-yard line and ran all four times to Brown, never giving Bradford a chance to pick apart the Gator defense.
The second Oklahoma blunder came when Bradford threw an interception at the goal line with three seconds left. Florida’s Major Wright came away with the interception, but not before Joe Haden, Ahmad Black and Ryan Stamper all deflected it.
Stoops called Oklahoma’s final timeout with the clock already stopped on a first down before the interception. That meant that even if Manuel Johnson had caught the ball, he was short of the goal line and time would have expired.
“We stalled in the red zone, we gave up a play or two in the second half defensively, and it doesn’t take much to lose a tight game like it was,” Stoops said.
All those Sooner missteps set the stage for Tebow, who with that final jump pass secured another moment that reverberated in college football history.
“You can’t script it better,” Nelson said. “It was the perfect ending to a perfect season.”

Marc Gasol está en números de estrella desde que se lesionó Milicic

Marc Gasol se ha convertido en una referencia en los Memphis Grizzlies. En un equipo en el que Rudy Gay y OJ Mayo absorben mucho juego ofensivo, el pívot catalán cada vez recibe más balones al poste y juega más situaciones de bloqueo y continuación. Por ello, su rol en la NBA es cada vez más importante. "No creo que esté haciendo nada especial", responde Marc a los halagos. Sin embargo, desde que Milicic se lesionó contra los Pacers promedia 14,8 puntos, 8,4 rebotes y 2,1 tapones, números de estrella."No sé si he dado un paso adelante o no, simplemente trato de jugar bien y ayudar al equipo en todos los aspectos del juego", dice Marc Gasol cuando al 'Commercial Appeal' de Memphis, cuando se le pregunta por su vital rol en el equipo tras la lesión de Darko Milicic. El catalán promedia 11,4 puntos, siete rebotes y un tapón esta campaña, pero desde que el serbio se lesionase contra los Indiana Pacers sus números han crecido: 14,8 tantos, 8,4 rechaces y 2,1 tapones, cifras de estrella."Nada especial"Marc se quita de encima los halagos. "No creo que esté haciendo nada especial. Tal y como lo veo, debo mejorar en muchas cosas. Si acaso, he ganado en paciencia", señala. Para su entrenador, Marc Iavaroni, "aprende cosas nuevas cada día. Una noche contra Tim Duncan, otra contra Al Jefferson, la siguiente frente a Shaquille O'Neal. Los otros equipos respetan que no tiene ningún miedo al contacto", señala el técnico.

Beckham è un affare?

Magic: ecco alcuni buoni motivi per puntare sull'inglese. Domenica all'Olimpico può arrivare il debutto e, considerato il costo accessibile, scommettere su di lui può avere un senso

MILANO, 9 gennaio 2009 - Costa 9, e siamo nella realtà virtuale visto che di milioni in un anno il signor Beckham ne porta a casa molti di più. Rischia di giocare alla prima occasione, cioè Roma-Milan domenica all'Olimpico (guarda la puntata di +Tre). Siamo a due indizi, manca il terzo per fare una prova, ne aggiungiamo un paio: condizione discreta, elevato tasso d'orgoglio per dimostrare di essere ancora ad altezza top club. Ci siamo. Ecco perché l'inglese può essere un affare.
PERCHE' SI' - In fondo una buona prestazione contro i giallorossi sarebbe l' "Happy end" più scontato per il centrocampista che appartiene ai Galaxy ma non viene da un altro pianeta. Ancelotti ha confermato che si tratta di una giocatore integro, con la giusta "fame", perfettamente calato nella nuova realtà. Con Seedorf claudicante e un reparto perennemente in apnea per gli infortuni, "Beck" giocherà sicuramente uno spezzone di partita. Per chi ama il rischio insomma, qualche fiches si può buttare nel piatto...
a. mor.

Niente Cagliari per Adriano e Balotelli

I due giocatori dell'Inter, al centro di numerose voci di mercato, non sono stati convocati da José Mourinho per la sfida di domani sera a San Siro

MILANO, 9 gennaio 2009 - Mario Balotelli e Adriano, al centro di numerose voci di mercato, non sono stati convocati per la sida di domani sera a San Siro contro il Cagliari. Non è presente nell’elenco Nicolas Burdisso, il quale, come detto da Mourinho in conferenza stampa, giocherà martedì la partita di Tim Cup contro il Genoa, così come farà Adriano.
Due assenze dal sapore diverso. Balotelli che ha chiesto alla società di andare a giocare altrove, in odore della decisione dal tecnico dell'Inter, è stato tra i primi ad abbandonare il centro sportivo nerazzurro. L'esclusione di Adriano ha invece una sua ragione. "Sa facendo un lavoro diverso per giocare martedì in coppa Italia contro il Genoa", ha detto Mourinho, mentre per quanto riguarda Balotelli, il tecnico è stato chiaro: "Ha giocato 13 partite per un totale di 712 minuti, il doppio di Cruz e il triplo di Crespo. Le sue occasioni le ha avute. Non so se è Mario che non vuole rimanere all'Inter o suo fratello che gli fa da procuratore, in campo bisogna essere indipendenti e pensare con la propria testa". Fuori dai convocati anche Vieira e Stankovic per infortunio. Per poi aggiungere: "Mario ha giocato molto in quantità, in qualità di gioco è una cosa diversa...".